2. Make your own homemade gifts.
3. Walk whenever you can, saves gas and is a great exercise.
4. Be aware of bank fees and avoid out-of-network ATM fees.
5. Host a clothes, bags, shoes swapping party with friends.
6. Cancel your landline, rely on your mobile phone.
7. Pay bills online and save money on postage stamps.
8. Cancel your cable and watch your favorite shows online.
9. Turn off lights when not in use.
10. Make a grocery list before heading to the supermarket.
11. Shop thrift stores, garage sales and second hand stores.
12. Sell stuff you don't need on Craigslist, eBay or a yard sale.
13. Upcycle and re-purpose old items vs. discarding them.
14. Use a rewards credit card and pay balance off every month.
15. Order water instead of expensive drinks when dining out.
16. Pack light when traveling to avoid checking in luggage.
17. Join loyalty and rewards programs for perks and discounts.
18. Rent movies instead of paying high theater prices.
19. Always comparable shop to get the best price.
20. Keep all receipts in case you need to return something.