Some of the most common new year's resolutions are... 1) lose weight, 2) make more money, 2) eat healthier, 3) get out of debt, 4) spend more time with family and friends, 5) help others 6) quit smoking/drinking, 7) get organized, 8) reduce stress, 9) improve career/job, 10) take a trip.
I consider myself fortunate that I've either achieved or don't need to worry about some of the most common resolutions listed above. For instance, I am pretty organized, I try to eat in moderation, my only big debt is my mortgage, I don't smoke or drink (too much), I hardly have any stress, I spend as much quality time with lifelong friends and I take a trip at least once a year.
At the end of 2013 I made a list of goals for 2014 that I either maintained or achieved. For example, I am (finally) going to Paris in August. I go for daily walks combined with additional income by starting my own dog walking business. This one achievement ticked off 3 of my "resolutions" for 2014... 1) go for walks, 2) improve my finances, 3) be around more dogs. However, there are still some wishes, dreams or resolutions that I have added to my list for 2015.
In 2015, I plan to continue to strive to achieve these on-going goals:
- Live the frugal lifestyle and save money wherever and whenever I can.
- Earn additional income in order to have more financial freedom.
- Maintain a realistic weight for my body frame.
- Eat healthy, whole, nutritious foods (vs. processed & fast foods) as often as possible.
- Adopt an English Bulldog or French Bulldog.
- Attend regular yoga classes.
- Donate to various charities, especially animal organizations.
- Plan next vacation to either Spain, Australia or anywhere in the Caribbean.
- Acquire an affordable investment property.
- Be healthier in mind and body.
The main goal I had in 2014, was to have financial freedom. I believe I have accomplished that. By having a simpler lifestyle and being aware of how I spend my money I feel "richer" in more ways than one. The most important insight I have learned this past year is that our true purpose is to have JOY in our lives. My main resolution for the new year is to be joyous and abundant in every way.