Even if you are not on the hunt for vintage items and just want basic essential stuff for everyday living, you can find it at a swap meet or flea market. Take your time and shop around, sometimes another vendor might sell something similar for a lower price. Don't be afraid to negotiate, most dealers would rather make a sale than have to bring the item back home with them.
ARTWORK - if you are looking for that one-of-a-kind unique framed print for whatever room in your house, you will most likely find it and for a bargain price!
BASKETS - I use baskets for everything, such as organizing, decorating as well as for gifts! Baskets are so versatile and have so many uses. I even organize the items in my refrigerator with baskets.
CLOTHES AND ACCESSORIES - you can get awesome deals on clothing, purses, shoes, sunglasses, etc... from vendors selling "previously worn" as well as new items. Often times you can negotiate down the total price if you are buying several items.
CHAIRS - if you are like me, I have chairs in every room of my house! It doesn't all have to match, in fact it's more interesting. Score great deals on chairs from vendors who sell mis-matched pairs. Chairs can also function as a spot for books, magazines, etc..
DISHES - some vendors sell an entire set of china while others sell dishes by the piece. Whatever your needs are, consider this option before shelling out a lot of money at department stores or home stores.
FURNITURE - I've found super great deals on furniture at flea markets and swap meets. I bought a 6-drawer tall boy dresser for only $25. It simply needed to be sanded and repainted white. Again, you can negotiate a lower but fair price with the vendor.
GIFTS - If you are looking for one-a-kind unique gifts, you will probably find something at the flea market. If the recipient is a collector, look for items he or she collects. Plus, buy a basket there to put the gift in.
JEWELRY - there are several jewelry dealers who sell at swap meets and flea markets on the weekends. You can find great costume jewelry even silver and gold pieces!