Most companies for services such as cable, phone, internet, utilities, etc.. often increase their rates. Unfortunately, many of us end up just paying the higher bill. We either can't be bothered to find a cheaper deal or it's too much of a hassle to switch or cancel. I was beyond pleasantly surprised when Solavei offered lower mobile phone rate plan options a couple of months ago. How refreshing and unusual is that!? I was on Solavei's unlimited voice + text + data plan for $49/month. This included 2GB of 4G high speed data. Since my iPhone 3G is "vintage", I didn't need to have 2GB. I can get by with 500 MB. So I switched my plan to the $39/mo unlimited voice + text + data.
As you can see from the chart above and below, there are 4 rate plan options to choose from. For those who only need voice and text, Solavei also has an option for only $29/month. You will never have to worry about ever going over your voice, text, even data (it just slows down after you used up the high speed limit) with their UNLIMITED plans. I used to pay over $80/month with AT&T and it was NOT an unlimited plan.
If you are ready to save money on your mobile phone service, click HERE to get started. It's easy and smart!