by Hal Salazar
In order to kick off your entrepreneurial journey as a couple, you’ll need to agree on a business idea. If you’re working with limited funds, you’ll want to choose an idea with low overhead expenses. Renting a brick-and-mortar space, or leasing expensive equipment, will probably be out of your reach. Tweak Your Biz recommends starting a business centered on social media management, web design, virtual assistance, event planning, or home-based food services, like custom baking.
No matter the size of your budget, every business owner should use software for bookkeeping to manage their finances. This will allow you to manage your business income effectively and ensure that you’re not wasting a dime. Furthermore, you’ll be able to store and organize all of your receipts and other financial documents so that you can stay compliant and earn deductions when tax season rolls around. Plus, you’ll be able to easily assess your cash flow whenever you like.
In order to officially launch your business, you’ll need to take care of a few administrative items. Sit down together to draw up a business plan, and then get the paperwork you’ll need to register your business in your state. You will also need to create a budget to ensure that you don’t overspend. Furthermore, you can jot down ideas for your marketing and sales strategies.
When you’re opening a business with your significant other, you want to make sure that personal disputes don’t affect your company’s operations. It’s important to stay on the same page as far as your goals for your business and your finances. Marriage recommends coming up with plans for dealing with common problems in advance, keeping your family’s finances separate from your company finances, and setting boundaries between your work and your downtime.
If you’re busy getting your company going, how can you and your partner make time for each other? Time management is key. Choose a time each day when you’ll “clock in” and “clock out.” Outside of those boundaries, stay away from work-related tasks and focus on each other instead! Close your laptops and turn your attention to your relationship.
As entrepreneurs, it can be tough to stay away from business projects when you could be relaxing - you might feel like you have to work constantly in order to stay ahead of your competition. But enjoying your coffee together in the morning, taking leisurely lunch breaks each day, and scheduling a date night each weekend will help you balance your relationship and your business.
Running a business with your significant other does bring unique challenges. But at the same time, you’ll have some advantages - you’re already in sync, you share the same values, and you understand each others’ strengths and weaknesses. With these tips, you’ll be able to start a cost-effective business without neglecting your romantic relationship.