No matter what you are shopping for, everyone loves to save money and bag themselves a bargain. Whether it’s clothes, a new sofa, or you're looking to treat yourself to a new gadget, there is always a way to save yourself money.
While it is not surprising that shopping online can save you money, there are a lot of myths surrounding online shopping. For example, it is commonly assumed that products on eBay are low quality and second hand. However, it’s estimated that 81% of items which are sold on eBay are actually brand new. When browsing, be sure to check the product description, as this will state if the item is brand new or pre-loved. Also, never forget to check the seller's feedback score. A high feedback score indicates that the items sold are genuine, and that the seller has a good response time and shipping time.
If you aren't too concerned about buying something pre-loved, then yard sales are the place to be! You can often find items for a ridiculously low cost, and they tend to be in good working order. Many items that are sold at yard sales work perfectly fine, it just may be that the owner has decided they do not get enough use out of it, or they may have got a new version better suited to them. Sometimes, you can find things that have never been used and are simply unwanted gifts.
Want to get yourself a steal and help a good cause? Then head down to your local charity shop! From books to clothes, kitchen appliances to furniture, a charity shop has it all! Many items donated to charity are merely items which did not get enough (or any) attention from their original owner. Products sold in charity shops are also quality checked, so you don't have to worry about going home and finding that your purchase is faulty or broken. If you can't find what you are looking for, you can often ask the store assistants to keep an eye out for what you are after, and they will often reserve the item for you!
One thing very few people think of when they are on the lookout for something is friends and family; your friends and family will most likely have something you would LOVE to have, and the chances are, you will have something they would like too. Simply spark up a conversation, or even a group chat, and see what you all have to offer each other. This is a great way to bond with your friends and family, contribute towards global efforts to save the planet, and save money!
So, whether you are after something brand new, or if you are looking to give something a new home, there are plenty of unique ways to save yourself money, and you're sure to find yourself a steal!